Ring Ring…. Ring Ring…. (no anwer, voice mail message starting). “Please leave your message at the beep for Mr. So-in-So, President of highly recommended website company.” BEEEEP. Me, “Hi, this is Holly Donnelly and I am interested in talking with you about developing a web… [1 year old child finds me in my telephone talking hiding spot] [LOUD SCREAMING/CRYING] MA MAMAMA, BOOOO AHHHH, EEEEHHH,WAAHHH… [talking much louder now, I try to continue my sentence] UM, I GUESS YOU CAN TELL THAT I’M A STAY-AT-HOME MOM, AND I’M SORRY THAT MY 1 YEAR OLD IS SCREAMING SO LOUDLY, BUT I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE YOU CALLING MY BACK…”I hang up, feeling embarrassed, panicky, frustrated. I have never sounded so unprofessional. I can’t imagine what will go through his mind when he hears that message. Why can’t I just talk on the phone for 60 seconds in peace?
It wasn’t that many years ago that I was single, no children working in a high rise, in an office with a door and a downtown view. It was quiet. My messages sounded like I was a professional. I had NO appreciation for that quiet environment.
But now, I have to come to grips with the fact that I’m a stay-at-home mom trying to build a business and that is what it is going to sound like when I’m on the phone. I can’t hide it. It doesn’t mean I’m any less professional, in fact it means I’m super human! I should be considered a super hero. Because, believe me, building a business while being a full time mom is one challenging and adventurous feat that requires super hero powers.
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